Double Storey Semi Detached at Jade Villa Nearby Saradise for Sale
1,380,000RMnego till let go
Jade Villa
Double Storey Semi Detached at Jade Villa Nearby Saradise for...
- 4 beds
- 4 baths
Jade Villa
Double Storey Corner at Sherip Masahor for Sale
1,200,000RMnego till let go
Sherip Masahor
Double Storey Terrace Corner at Sherip Masahor (Huising-Hupkee) in Kuching...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
Sherip Masahor
Double Storey Detached House at Tabuan Laru in Kuching for Sale
3,200,000RMnego till let go
Tabuan Laru
Double Storey Detached House at Tabuan Laru in Kuching for...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
Tabuan Laru
Double Storey Terrace Corner at Green Gate Residence in Kuching for Sale
1,080,000RMnego till let go
Green Gate Residence
Double Storey Terrace Corner at Green Gate Residence in Kuching...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
Green Gate Residence
Double Storey Terrace Corner at Tabuan Tranquility in Kuching for Sale
1,800,000RMnego till let go
tabuan tranquility
Double Storey Terrace Corner at Tabuan Tranquility in Kuching for...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
tabuan tranquility
The Podium Strata Shop (G,1,2,3 Floor with Lift) for Rent
The Podium- Kuching’s New Heartbeat, Q3A Jalan Tun Datuk Patinggi Hj. Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
The Podium Strata Shop (G,1,2,3 Floor with Lift) for Rent【底楼1,2,3楼店面,出租】...
The Podium- Kuching’s New Heartbeat, Q3A Jalan Tun Datuk Patinggi Hj. Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Double Storey Detached House at Taman Seng Goon in Kuching for Sale
150,000RMnego till let go
taman seng goon
Double Storey Detached House at Taman Seng Goon in Kuching...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
taman seng goon
Double Storey Semi Detached House at Green Heights in Kuching for Sale
1,700,000RMnego till let go
green heights
Double Storey Semi Detached House at Green Height in Kuching...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
green heights
Double Storey Semi Detached at Green Heights in Kuching for Sale
1,600,000RMnego till let go
green heights
Double Storey Semi Detached House at Green Height in Kuching...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
green heights
Double Storey Semi Detached at Green Height ST in Kuching for Sale
1,350,000RMnego till let go
green height stampin tengah
Double Storey Semi Detached House at Green Height Stampin Tengah...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
green height stampin tengah
NEW Double Storey Terrace at Jalan Stakan for Sale
548,000RMnego till let go
jalan stakan
NEW Double Storey Terrace at Jalan Stakan for Sale 🏡...
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
jalan stakan